












1. 南方医科大学第四层次人才引进科研项目

2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,82003555,基于广义动态加性模型的流感传播影响因素研究,2021 -2023

3. 中国博士后科学基金特别资助(站前),2020TQ0135,登革热公共卫生干预措施的效应评价研究,2020 -2021

4. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,2020M672744,人群免疫水平及大气环境因素对流感传播的影响研究,2020 -2021


(#Co-first author, * Corresponding author)

1.Li L#, HanZG#, Qin PZ#, Liu WH#, Yang Z, Chen ZQ, Li K, XieCJ, Ma Y, Wang H, Huang Y, Fan SJ, Yan ZL, Ou CQ*, Luo L*. Transmission andcontainment of the SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant of concern in Guangzhou, China: apopulation-based study,Plos Negl Trop Dis, 2022, 16(1): e0010048.

2.Li L#, Dong H#, Han D#,Chen YY#, Liang BH, Yan ZL, Yang Z, Ou CQ*, Qin PZ*. Temporaldynamic in the impact of COVID-19 outbreak on cause-specific mortality inGuangzhou, China.BMC Public Health. 2021; 21(1):883.

3.Li L#,Liu WH#, Zhang ZB#, Liu Y, Chen XG, Luo L*, OuCQ*. The effectiveness of early start of Grade III response to dengue inGuangzhou, China: A population-based interrupted time-series study.PlosNegl Trop Dis. 2020; 14(8):e0008541.

4. Liu C#,Li L#, Song K#, Zhan ZY, Yao Y, Gong H, ChenY, Wang Q, Dong X, Xie Z, Ou CQ*, Hu Q*, Song Q*. A nomogram for predictingmortality in patients with COVID-19 and solid tumors: a multicenterretrospective cohort study.J Immunother Cancer. 2020; 8(2):e001314.

5. Guan WJ#, LiangWH#, Zhao Y#, Liang HR#, Chen ZS#, …, OuCQ,Li L, Chen PY, …, Zhong NS*, He JX*.Comorbidity and its impact on 1,590 patients with Covid-19 in China: ANationwide Analysis.Eur Respir J. 2020; 55(5):2000547.

6.Li L#,Liu Y#, Wu P#,PengZ#, …, Cowling BJ,Feng L*, Yu H*. Influenza-associated excess respiratory mortality in China,2010–15: a population-based study.Lancet Public Health. 2019;4(9):e473-e481.

7.Li L,Wong JY, Wu P*, Bond HS, Lau EHY, Sullivan SG, Cowling, BJ. Heterogeneity in estimatesof the impact of influenza on population mortality: a systematic review.AmJ Epidemiol. 2018; 187(2):378-388.

8.Li L,Yang J, Guo C, Chen PY, Ou CQ*, Guo Y. Particulate matter modifies themagnitude and time course of the non-linear temperature-mortality association.EnvironPollut. 2015; 196:423-430.

9.Li L#,Qian J#, Ou CQ*, ZhouYX, Guo C, Guo Y. Spatial and temporal analysis of Air Pollution Index and itstimescale-dependent relationship with meteorological factors in Guangzhou,China, 2001–2011.Environ Pollut. 2014; 190:75-81.

10.李骊,钱俊,杨军,欧春泉*.三种模型对广东省伤寒副伤寒逐月发病数预测的比较.中国卫生统计. 2014; 2: 197-201.
