
【 发布日期: 11-28 】 【 浏览次数: 】 【 作者: 】








1998.9-2001.7    第二军医大学护理学专业,学士

2000.9-2003.7   第一军医大学,护理学专业,硕士

2006.9-2009.7    第四军医大学,公共卫生管理学专业专业,博士



1. 孕产妇尿失禁

2. 神经源性膀胱 



1. 广东省助产学会,副会长;

2. 中国妇幼保健学会助产分会,委员;

3. 国际物理医学与康复医学委员会,委员;

4. 中国康复医学会康复护理专业委员会,副主任委员;

5. 广东省护理学会康复护理专业委员会,主任委员;

6. 广东省医学会内镜消毒专业委员会,主任委员;

7. 广州市内镜质量控制中心主任

8. 广东省现代教育中心副主任

9. 广东省现代教育中心教育学组长

10. 广东省科技、高级职称、医疗事故鉴定评审专家

11. 香港复康会高级顾问



1. 科学技术奖等奖;广东省护理学会2019

2. 科学技术奖一等奖,中国康复医学会,2018

3. 十佳优秀学科带头人广东省护理学会2018



1. Wang W, Fang H, Xie P, Cao Q, He L, Cai W*..Create a predictive model for neurogenic bladder patients: upper urinary tract damage predictive nomogram.Int J Neurosci. 2019 Dec;129(12):1240-1246

2. Fang H, Lin J, Liang L, Long X, Zhu X,Cai W*..A nonsurgical and nonpharmacological care bundle for preventing upper urinary tract damage in patients with spinal cord injury and neurogenic bladder. Int J Nurs Pract. 2019 Jul 21:e12761.

3. Chen L, Luo D, Yu X, Jin M, Cai W*. Predicting stress urinary incontinenceduring pregnancy: combination of pelvic floor ultrasound parameters and clinical factors. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica.2018,97(8):966-975.

4. Chen L, Ding L, Qi M, Jiang C, Mao X, Cai W*. Incidence of and social-demographic and obstetric factors associated with postpartum depression: differences among ethnic Han and Kazak women of Northwestern China. PeerJ. 2018,6:e4335.

5. Luo D#, Chen L#, Yu X, Ma L, Chen WZhou N, Cai W*. Differences in urinary incontinence symptoms and pelvic floor structure changes during pregnancy between nulliparous and multiparous women. PeerJ. 2017,5:e3615.

6. Fang H, Lu B, Wang X, Zheng L, Sun K, Cai W*. Application of data mining techniques to explore predictors of upper urinary tract damage in patients with neurogenic bladder. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research.2017,50(10): e6638.

7. Cai S, Lin H, Hu X, Cai Y, Chen K,Cai W*. High fatigue and its associations with health and work related factors among female medical personnel at 54 hospitals in Zhuhai. Psychology Health & Medicine. 2018,23(3):304-316.

8. Zhang H#, Huang S#, Guo X#, Zhao NLu YChen MLi YWu JHuang LMa FYang YZhang XZhou XGuo R, Cai W*. A randomised controlled trial in comparing maternal and neonatal outcomes between hands-and-knees delivery position and supine position in China. Midwifery. 2017,50:117-124.

9. Zhai J#, Cai W#, Li C, Chen M*, Huang L, Zhong M*. Survey of attitudes of Chinese perinatologists and obstetricians toward non-invasive prenatal genetic testing. The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research. 2016,42(11):1445-1450.

10. Fang H,Cai W* , Pan Y, Wu D ,Liang L . Six-month home-based exercise and supervised training in patients with ankylosing spondylitis. International Journal Clinical Experimental Medicine. 2016,9(3):6635-6641.

11. Cai S, Deng L, Cai B, Cai W*, Yu M. Hospital organizational environment and staff satisfaction in China: A large-scale survey. International Journal Of Nursing Practice.2016,22(6):565-573.

12. Cai W*, Wang J, Wang L, Wang J, Guo L*. Prevalence and Risk Factors of Urinary Incontinence for Post-Stroke Inpatients in Southern China[J]. Neurourology and Urodynamics.2015,34(3):231-235.        

13. Ren WSheng XHuang XZhi FCai W*. Evaluation of detergents and contact time on biofilm removal from flexible Endoscopes[J].American Journal of Infection Control. 2013, 41(9):e89-e92. 

14. Cai W, Deng L, Liu M, Yu M*. Antecedents of medical workplace violence in South China.[J]. Journal of interpersonal violence.2011,26(02):312-327.

15. Cai W, Zhou L, Ren W, Deng L, Yu M*.Variables influencing outcome of Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy in South China[J]. Helicobacter.2009,14(5):91-96

16. 李永英,蔡文智.阴道分娩后尿潴留风险预测模型的构建与验证[J].暨南大学学报(自然科学与医学版),2019,40(3):242-247. DOI:10.11778/j.jdxb.2019.03.007.★

17. 陈晓敏,陈玲,胡英杰,蔡文智.孕期压力性尿失禁风险预测模型的构建与验证[J].现代妇产科进展,2019,28(9):685-689. DOI:110.13283/j.cnki.xdfckjz.2019.09.008.★

18. 胡英杰,陈玲,陈晓敏,蔡文智.神经源性膀胱上尿路损害风险管理的最佳证据总结[J].护理研究,2019,33(14):2367-2373. DOI:10.12102/j.issn.1009-6493.2019.14.001.★

19. 任伟,李静,夏瑰丽,蔡文智* .外科住院患儿家长参与患儿安全现状及影响因素研究[J].中国护理管理,2019,19(4):508-512 

20唐娜,陈玲,罗丹, .一种新型内镜专用过氧乙酸消毒剂的消毒效果及对金属腐蚀性的观察[J].中国消毒学杂志,2019,36(2):96-98. ★

21. 余霞娟,罗丹,蔡文智,等. 既往分娩方式对孕期压力性尿失禁的影响分析[J]. 山东医药, 2018,58(6):84-87.★

22. 何建珍,古慧贤,欧有良, .714名初产妇孕晚期尿失禁发生状况及其影响因素研究[J].重庆医学,2018,(12).

