
【 发布日期: 11-21 】 【 浏览次数: 】 【 作者: 】









1987.7   湖北民族学院医学院,临床医学专业毕业

1999.7    第三军医大学,康复医学与理疗学专业硕士毕业

2004.7    第三军医大学,康复医学与理疗学专业博士毕业



1. 疼痛与镇痛的机制研究;

2. 神经康复与认知康复的多模态脑功能成像研究;

3. 机器学习、人工智能及其康复工程

4. 心理生理学



1. 中国康复医学会手功能康复专委会常委理事

2. 广东省医师协会康复医师分会常委

3. 广东省康复医学会手功能康复专委会副主任委员

4. 广东省医学会物理医学与康复医学分会委员、疼痛学组组长

5. 广东省康复医学会骨关节康复分会副主任委员

6. 中国残联康复协会康复评定专委会常委

7. 国家自然科学基金与广东省自然科学基金评审专家



1. 脑认知功能P300MMN的发生机制研究和临床应用,科技进步二等奖,重庆市人民政府,2004.

2. 康复医学“政产学研”协同育人体系构建与实践  广东省教育教学成果二等奖,广东省教育厅,2018



1.Yu Shi#, Wei Liu#, Ruifen Liu#, Yanyan Zeng, Lei Wu, Shimin Huang, Guiyuan Cai, Jianming Yang, Wen Wu*, Investigation of the emotional network in depression after stroke: A study of multivariate Granger causality analysis of fMRI data. Journal of affective disorders, 2019, 249: 35-44.


2.Xuefei Zhang#, Xia He#, Lei Wu, Chujuan Liu, Wen Wu*, Altered functional connectivity of amygdala with the fronto-limbic-striatal circuit in temporal lobe lesion as a proposed mechanism for post-stroke depression, American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 2019, 98(4):303-310.


3.Ruochu Xiong#, Xin Fu, Lizhen Wu, Chenghan Zhang, Hongxiang Wu, Yu Shi, Wen Wu*, Brain pathways of pain empathy activated by pained facial expressions: a meta-analysis of fMRI using the activation likelihood estimation method, Neural Regeneration Research, 2019, 14(1): 172-178.


4.Wei Liu#, Wen Wu*, Guangyong Lin, Jian Cheng, Yanyan Zeng, Yu Shi, Physical exercise promotes proliferation and differentiation of endogenous neural stem cells via ERK in rats with cerebral infarction, Molecular Medicine Reports, 2018, 18: 1455-1464.


5.Yu Shi#Yanyan Zeng#Lei Wu#Wei LiuZiping LiuShanshan ZhangJianming YangWen Wu*, A study of the brain abnormalities of post-stroke depression in frontal lobe lesion, Scientific reports, 2017713203.


6.Yu Shi#Dongdong Yang#Yanyan ZengWen Wu*, Risk factors for post-stroke depression: a meta-analysis, Frontiers in aging neuroscience, 20179: 218.


7.Yu Shi#Yanyan Zeng#Lei Wu#Ziping LiuShanshan ZhangJianming YangWen Wu*, A study of the brain functional network of post-stroke depression in three different lesion locations, Sci Rep, 2017714795.


8.Shanshan Zhang#, Wen Wu#, Jianming YangChuhuai Wang*, Abnormal spontaneous brain activity in acute low back pain revealed by resting-state functional MRI, American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation, 2017, 96 (4) :253.


9.Kangling Wang#, Wen Wu*, Haili Zhong, Jiang Cheng, Gender differences in performance for young adults in cognitive tasks under emotional conflict, Neuroscience letters, 2017, 661: 77-83.


10.Yu Shi#, Wen Wu*. Treatment of neuropathic pain using pulsed radiofrequency: a meta-analysis, Pain physician, 2016, 19: 429-444.


11.Yu Shi#, Shanshan Zhang, Qiang Li, Ziping Liu, Shigui Guo, Jiangming Yang, Wen Wu*, A study of the brain functional network of Deqi via acupuncturing stimulation at BL40 by rs-fMRI, Complementary therapies in medicine, 2016, 25: 71-77.


12.Shanshan Zhang#, Wen Wu*, Ziping Liu, Guozhi Huang*, Shigui Guo, Jianming Yang, Altered regional homogeneity in experimentally induced low back pain: a resting-state fMRI study, Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation, 2014, 11: 115.


13.Yu Shi#, Ziping Liu#, Shanshan Zhang, Qiang Li, Shigui Guo, Jiangming Yang, Wen Wu*, Brain network response to acupuncture stimuli in experimental acute low back pain: an fMRI study, Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine, 2015, 2015: 210120.


14.Shanshan Zhang#, Wen Wu *, Guozhi Huang, Ziping Liu, Shigui Guo, Jianming Yang, Kangling Wang, Resting-state connectivity in the default mode network and insula during experimental low back pain, Neural regeneration research, 2014, 9(2):135-142.


15.Wen Wu#*, A study on ERP of face implicit recognition, Journal of head trauma rehabilitation, 2009, 24(5): 395-400.

