
【 发布日期: 11-19 】 【 浏览次数: 】 【 作者: 】

全松,男,南方医科大学南方医院妇产科副主任,生殖医学中心主任、教授、博士生导师、博士后合作导师,日本国立德岛大学高访学者。中华医学会生殖医学分会常委、广东省生殖医学分会前任主任委员,《中华生殖与避孕杂志》常务编委等。主要专业领域为生殖医学、生殖生理学及辅助生殖技术,主研方向为生殖内分泌,生殖免疫、卵泡发育调控及着床等不孕不育的综合诊治。对反复IVF着床失败及妊娠丢失等难治性不孕症的临床综合治疗及科学研究有较深的造诣。主持国家863科技计划项目、国家重点研发计划项目、国家自然科学基金及广东省自然科学基金多项。主译《体外受精与辅助生殖》及《宫腔内人工授精与促排卵》(人民卫生出版)教科书2部。发表论文80多篇,其中在《Human Reproduction》、《Fertility Stertil》等生殖医学领域专业杂志发表SCI论文30篇。


Song Quan, male, professor, chief physician, PhD supervisor and visiting scholar of Tokushima University of Japan, is the head of Center for Reproductive Medicine of Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Nanfang hospital, Southern Medical University and is served as a member of the Standing Committee of Reproductive Medicine Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, the ex-chairman of the Guangdong Reproductive Medicine Branch and the editorial board member of Chinese Journal of Reproduction and Contraception. Prof. Quan is majored in reproductive medicine, biology and assisted reproductive technology, skilled in the researches of reproductive endocrinology, reproductive immunology, follicular development modulation and implantation as well as clinical practice in assisted reproductive technology. His main research direction is the comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of reproductive endocrinology and infertility and had deep knowledge of clinical comprehensive treatment and scientific research on refractory infertility such as IVF repeated implantation failure and pregnancy loss. His was the principle investigator of multiple projects, including National Science and Technology 863 Program, National Key Research and Development Program, National Natural Science Foundation and Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province. Prof. Quan mainly edited and published two textbook, named In Vitro Fertilization and Assisted Reproductive and Manual of Intrauterine Insemination and Ovulation Induction. He has published more than 80 articles, and a number of papers were include in 30 SCI articles, such as Human Reproduction and Fertility Stertil.



