
【 发布日期: 11-19 】 【 浏览次数: 】 【 作者: 】









1975.9-1978.7    蚌埠医学院,临床医学专业大学本科 

1983.9-1986.6   西安医科大学,基础核医学专业,硕士

1989.9-1992.6   军事医学科学院生物化学专业,博士



1. 细胞应激反应的信号转导;

2. 非编码RNA辐射致癌中的作用机制

3. 核与放射突发事件医学应急



1. 广东省核应急委员会专家组专家;

2. 广东省医学会放射防护医学专委会第一、二届主任委员

3. 中华医学会放射医学与防护第七、八、九届常委 等。



1. 国家科技进步三等奖国家科委,1995

2. 广东省自然科学三等奖,广东省自然科学奖评委1995;等。



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2. Liang Zhou, Yinghui Wang, Meijuan Zhou, Ying Zhang, Pengfei Wang, Xiaoxing Li, Jing Yang, Hongmei Wang, and Zhenhua Ding*. HOXA9 Inhibits HIF-1α-Mediated Glycolysis through Interacting with CRIP2 to Repress Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma Development. Nature Commu. 2018 ;9(1):1480. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-03914-5****;

3. Meijuan Zhou,, Weilin Liu, Shudong Ma, Hong Cao, Xuebiao Peng, Ling Guo, Xinhua Zhou, Li Zheng, Linlang Guo, Miaojian Wan, Weimin Shi, Yingjie He, Chao Lu, Lihong Jiang, Chengshan Ou, Yuanxia Guo and Zhenhua Ding*. A novel onco-miR-365 induces cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. Carcinogenesis 2013; 34(7):1653-1659;

4. Ling Guo, Zhong-Xi Huang, Xiao-Wei Chen, Qin-Kai Deng, Wei Yan, Mei-Juan Zhou, Cheng-Shan Ou and Zhen-Hua Ding*. Differential Expression Profiles of microRNAs in NIH3T3 Cells in Response to UVB Irradiation. Photochem Photobiol. 2009;85(3): 765-773;

5. Zhenhua Ding, Jun-Ying Zhou, Wei-Zen Wei, Vicki  V Baker and Gen Sheng Wu. Induction of apoptosis by the new anticancer drug XK469 in human ovarian cancer cell lines. Oncogene 2002;21(29):4530-4538;

6. Ding Z, Parchment RE, LoRusso PM, Zhou JY,Li J, Lawrence TS, Sun Y, Wu GS*. The investigational new drug XK469 induces G2-M cell cycle arrest by p53-dependent and –independent pathways. Clin Cancer Res 2001;7:3336-3342.
