
【 发布日期: 11-15 】 【 浏览次数: 】 【 作者: 】










1978.9-1982.1   复旦大学          生物化学专业    本科

1982.1-1985.3  中科院细胞所      细胞生物学专业  硕士

1986-1992    美国哥伦比亚大学  遗传学专业      博士

1992-1996        美国斯坦福大学      遗传与发育专业  博后



1. 生物化学与分子生物学;

2. 生物信息分析。



        1. 总编: Editor-in-Chief of Genomics Data

        2. 执行主编: Executive Editor of Genomics

        3. 编辑委员会成员:Genome Research, Translational Cancer Research

        4. 北京基因研究所(BGI)和国家基因组南方研究中心(上海)客座教授和高级顾问

        5. 医学遗传学国家重点实验室(湘雅医学院)学术委员会委员

        6. 加拿大基因组学组织的研究评审委员



        1. 美国遗传学会旅行奖(Genetic Society of America Travel Award),美国遗传学会,1986

        2. 美国宜曼达公司科技创新奖(Illumina Innovation Award),Illumina 公司,2002;  


        4. 广州开发区创新领军人才,广州开发区,2016

        5. 全国基因检测行业年度十大风云人物,2017

        6. 2018年广州市产业聚集领军人才工程创新领军团队带头人,广州市,2018



1. G.D. Schuler, M.S. Boguski, et al, J.-B. Fan, et al, E.S. Lander and T.J. Hudson. A gene map of the human genome. Science 274:540-546. 1996. (IF 37.205)


2. D.G. Wang, J.-B. Fan, C.-J. Siao, A. Berno, P. Young, R. Sapolsky, …., T.J. Hudson, R. lipshutz, M. Chee and E.S. Lander. Large-scale identification, mapping, and genotyping of single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the human genome. Science 280:1077-1082. 1998. (IF 37.205)


3. J.G. Hacia, J.-B. Fan, O. Ryder, L. Jin, K. Edgemon, G. Ghandour, R.A. Mayer, B. Sun, L. Hsie, C.M. Robbins, L.C. Brody, D. Wang, E.S. Lander, R. Lipshutz, S.P.A. Fodor and F.S. Collins. Determination of ancestral alleles for human single nucleotide polymorphisms using high density oligonucleotide arrays. Nature Genetics 22:164-167. 1999. (IF 27.958)


4. M.K. Halushka, J.-B. Fan, K. Bentley, L. Hsie, N. Shen, A. Weder, R. Cooper, R. Lipshutz and A. Chakravarti. Patterns of single nucleotide polymorphisms in candidate genes for blood-pressure homeostasis. Nature Genetics 22:239-247. 1999. (IF 27.958)


5. J.-B. Fan, X. Chen, M.K. Halushka, A. Berno, X.-H. Huang, T. Ryder, R. Lipshutz, D. Lockhart and A. Chakravarti. Parallel genotyping of human SNPs using generic high-density oligonucleotide tag arrays. Genome Research 10:853-860. 2000. (IF 11.351)


6. J.M. Yeakley, J.-B. Fan*, D. Doucet, L. Luo, E. Wickham, Z. Ye, M.S. Chee and X.-D. Fu*. Profiling alternative splicing on fiber-optic arrays. Nature Biotechnology 20:353-358. 2002. (*co-corresponding author) (IF 41.666)


7. J.-B. Fan, A. Oliphant, R. Shen, B. Kermani, F. Garcia, K.L. Gunderson, M. Hansen, F. Steemers, B.L. Butler, P. Deloukas, et al. and M.S. Chee. Highly parallel SNP genotyping. Cold Spring Harbor Symposium Biology 68:69-78. 2003.


8. J.-B. Fan*, J.M. Yeakley, …, A. Oliphant, D.L. Barker and M.S. Chee. A versatile assay for high-throughput gene expression profiling on universal array matrices. Genome Research 14:878-885. 2004. (IF 11.351)


9. M. Bibikova, D. Talantov, E. Chudin, J.M. Yeakley, J. Chen, D. Doucet, E. Wickham, D. Atkins, D. Barker, M. Chee, Y. Wang and J.-B. Fan*. Quantitative gene expression profiling in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues using universal bead arrays. American Journal of Pathology 165 (5):1790-1807. 2004. (IF 4.0570)


10. M. Bibikova, Z. Lin,  L. Zhou, E. Chudin, E. Wickham Garcia, B. Wu, D. Doucet, N.J. Thomas, Y. Wang, E. Vollmer, T. Goldmann, C. Seifart, W. Jiang, D.L. Barker, M.S. Chee, J. Floros and J.-B. Fan*. High-throughput DNA methylation profiling using universal bead arrays. Genome Research 16:383-393. 2006. (IF 11.351)


11. H.-R. Li, J. Wang-Rodriguez, T.M. Nair, J.M. Yeakley, Y.-S. Kwon, M. Bibikova, C. Zheng, L. Zhou, K. Zhang, T. Downs, X.-D. Fu* and J.-B. Fan*. Two-dimensional transcriptome profiling: Identification of messenger RNA isoform signatures in prostate cancer from archived paraffin-embedded cancer specimens. Cancer Research 66(8):4079-4088. 2006. (IF 9.122)


12. J.-B. Fan, M.S. Chee and K.L. Gunderson. Highly-parallel genomic assays. Nature Reviews Genetics 7:632-644. 2006. (IF 40.282)


13. M. Bibikova, E. Chudin, ..., M. Rao, D.L. Barker, J.F. Loring and J.-B. Fan*. Human embryonic stem cells have a unique epigenetic signature. Genome Research 16(9):1075-1083. 2006. (IF 11.351)



14. The International HapMap Consortium (Illumina team: L.M. Galver, J.-B. Fan, K. Gunderson, S.S. Murray, A.R. Oliphant, M.S. Chee). A second generation human haplotype map of over 3.1 million SNPs. Nature 449(7164):851-861. 2007. (IF40.137)


15. M. Bibikova, L.C. Laurent, B. Ren, J.F. Loring and J.-B. Fan*. Unraveling epigenetic regulation in embryonic stem cells. Cell Stem Cell 2(2):123-134. 2008. (IF 23.393)


16. J. Chen, J. Lozach, E. Wickham Garcia, B. Barnes, S. Luo, I. Mikoulitch, L. Zhou, G. Schroth and J.-B. Fan*. Highly sensitive and specific microRNA expression profiling using BeadArray technology. Nucleic Acids Research. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkn387. 2008. (IF 10.161)


17. C. April, B. Klotzle, T. Royce, E. Wickham-Garcia, T. Boyaniwsky, J. Izzo, D. Cox, W. Jones, R. Rubio, K. Holton, U. Matulonis, J. Quackenbush and J.-B. Fan*. Whole-genome gene expression profiling of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue samples. PLoS-ONE 4(12): e8162. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0008162. 2009. (IF 2.806)


18. M. Bibikova, B. Barnes, C. Tsan, V. Ho, B. Klotzle, J.M. Le, D. Delano, L. Zhang, G.P. Schroth, K.L. Gunderson, J.-B. Fan and R. Shen. High density DNA methylation array with single CpG site resolution. Genomics 98(4):288-295. 2011. (IF 2.801)


19. F. Kaper, S. Swamy, B. Klotzle, S. Munchel, J. Cottrell, M. Bibikova, H.-Y. Chuang, S. Kruglyak, M. Ronaghi, M.A. Eberle and J.-B. Fan*. Whole-genome haplotyping by dilution, amplification and sequencing. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 110(14):5552-5557. 2013. (IF 9.661)


20. E. Laurenti, S. Doulatov, S. Zandi, I. Plumb, J. Chen, C. April, J.-B. Fan and J.E. Dick. The transcriptional architecture of early human hematopoiesis identifies multilevel control of lymphoid commitment. Nature Immunology 14(7):756-763. 2013. (IF 21.506)


21. P. van Galen, A. Kreso, E. Wienholds, E. Laurenti, K. Eppert, E.R. Lechman, N. Mbong, K. Hermans, S. Dobson, C. April, J.-B. Fan and J.E. Dick. Reduced lymphoid lineage priming promotes human hematopoietic stem cell expansion, Cell Stem Cell 14(1):94-106. 2014. (IF 23.393)


22. C. Wang, M. Cicek,… B.J. Winterhoff, J.-B. Fan, M. Bibikova, ….K.L. Knutson, B.L. Fridley and E.L. Goode. Tumor hypomethylation at 6p21.3 associates with longer time to recurrence of high-grade serous epithelial ovarian cancer. Cancer Research 74(11):3084-3091. 2014. (IF 9.122)


23. E.A. Perez, E.A. Thompson,… J.-B. Fan, .. J.R. Gralow and M.M. Reinholz. Genomic analysis reveals that immune function genes are strongly linked to clinical outcome in the NCCTG (Alliance) N9831 adjuvant trastuzumab trial. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 33(7):701-708. 2015. (IF 24.007)


24. E. Laurenti, C. Frelin, ……, J.-B. Fan, N. Iscove and J.E. Dick. CDK6 levels regulate quiescence exit in human hematopoietic stem cells. Cell Stem Cell, 16(3):302-313. 2015. (IF 23.393)


25. J. Chien, H. Sicotte, J.-B. Fan, S. Humphray,…..S.H. Kaufmann, L. Hartmann, V. Shridhar and E. Goode. TP53 mutations, tetraploidy and homologous recombination repair defects in early stage high-grade serous ovarian cancer. Nucleic Acids Research, 43(14):6945-6958. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkv111. 2015. (IF 10.161)


26. X. Cai, F. Janku, Q. Zhan and J.-B. Fan. Accessing genetic information with liquid biopsies. Trends in Genetics, 31(10):564-575. 2015. (IF 10.843)


27. J. Fan, N. Salathia, R. Liu, …, J.-B. Fan, K. Zhang, J. Chun and P.V. Kharchenko. Characterizing transcriptional heterogeneity through pathway and gene set overdispersion analysis. Nat Methods 13(3):241-244. doi: 10.1038/nmeth.3734. 2016. (IF 25.062)


28. S. Nair, X. Zhang…, J.-B. Fan, … Y. Hu and R. Li. Genetic suppression reveals DNA repair-independent antagonism between BRCA1 and COBRA1 in mammary gland development. Nat Commun. 7:10913. doi: 10.1038/ncomms10913. 2016. (IF 12.123)


29. B.B. Lake, R. Ai, G.E. Kaeser, N. Salathia, …., J.-B. Fan*, W. Wang*, J. Chun* and K. Zhang*. Neuronal subtypes and diversity revealed by single-nucleus RNA sequencing of the human brain. Science 352(6293):1586-1590. 2016. (*Co-senior Authors). (IF 37.205)


30. Y. Ito, D. Ofengeim, ….., J.-B. Fan, … J. Ravits and J.Y. Yuan. RIPK1 mediates axonal degeneration by promoting inflammation and necroptosis in ALS. Science 353(6299):603-608. 2016. (IF 37.205)


31. S. Zhao, M.S. Geybels, A. Leonardson, …., E.A. Ostrander, J.-B. Fan*, Z. Feng* and J.L. Stanford*. Epigenome-wide tumor DNA methylation profiling identifies novel prognostic biomarkers of metastatic-lethal progression in men with clinically localized prostate cancer. Clin Cancer Res. 23(1):311-319. 2017. (*Co-senior Authors). (IF 9.619)


32. S. Kommoss, B. Winterhoff, A.L. Oberg, G.E. Konecny, C. Wang, S.M. Riska, J.-B. Fan, …, L.C. Hartmann, E.L. Goode, S.C. Dowdy and J. Pfisterer. Bevacizumab may differentially improve ovarian cancer outcome in patients with proliferative and mesenchymal molecular subtypes. Clin Cancer Res. 23(14):3794-3801. 2017. (IF 9.619)


33. F. Janku, S. Zhang, …, G. Mills, J.-B. Fan and N. Salathia. Development and validation of an ultra-deep next-generation sequencing assay for testing of plasma cell-free DNA from patients with advanced cancer. Clin Cancer Res. 2017 May 23. pii: clincanres.0291.2016. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-17-0291. 2017. (IF 9.619)

34. Wenhua Liang, Yue Zhao, Weizhe Huang, Yangbin Gao, Weihong Xu, Jinsheng Tao, Meng Yang, Lequn Li, Wei Ping, Hui Shen, Xiangning Fu, Zhiwei Chen, Peter W. Laird, Xuyu Cai*, Jian-Bing Fan*,Jianxing He*. Non-invasive diagnosis of early-stage lung cancer using high-throughput targeted DNA methylation sequencing of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA).[J]. Theranostics,2019,9(7).(IF = 8.5)
