
【 发布日期: 11-15 】 【 浏览次数: 】 【 作者: 】









1980.9-1985.7    第一军医大学,临床医学专业,医学学士

1985.9-1988.7    第一军医大学,基础医学专业,医学硕士

        1989.9-1993.3     复旦大学,遗传学,博士(导师:谈家桢  中国科学院院士和美国科学院外籍院士)

        1993.4-1994.12   中国医科院/中国协和医学院肿瘤研究所,分子肿瘤学,博士后1 (导师: 吴旻  院士)

        1997.9-1999.12   美国耶鲁大学医学院遗传系,基因组学博士后2(导师:Sherman M. Weissman 美国科学院院士)

         1987-1995年   先后在北京大学、澳大利亚墨尔本大学、美国冷泉港实验室短期进修


          1. 单细胞组学技术创新与生物信息学;

2. 肿瘤异质性及进化与精准医学;

3. 生殖与发育相关疾病功能基因组学。



1. 南方医科大学生物化学与分子生物学教研室 主任

2. 广东省单细胞技术与应用重点实验室 主任

3. 南方医科大学基础医学院学术委员会 委员

4. 广东省生物化学与分子生物学学会 副理事长

5. 全国生物化学与分子生物学学会基础医学分会 委员

6. 广东省医学遗传学学会 常务委员

7. 中国侨联特聘专家及生物医药专业委员会 委员

8. 美国,耶鲁大学医学院遗传学系 顾问

         9. 牛津大学出版社(OUP) Precision Clinical Medicine副主编



1.   Han L, Wu HJ, Zhu H, Kim KY, Marjani SL, Riester M, Euskirchen G, Zi X, Yang J, Han J, Snyder M, Park IH, Irizarry R, Weissman SM, Michor F*, Fan R*, Pan X*. (2017) Bisulfite-independent analysis of CpG island methylation enables genome-scale stratification of single cells. Nucleic Acids Res. 45(10):e77, 2017. pii: gkx026. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkx026. PMID: 28126923. Corresponding author. 

2.   Yang J, Seay M, Tanaka Y, Euskirchen G, Snyder M, Park I, Pan X*, Weissman SM*. (2017) Single Cell Transcriptomics Reveals Unanticipated Features of Early Hematopoietic Precursors. Nucleic Acids Res. 45(3):1281-1296. 2017. pii: gkw1214. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkw1214. PMID: 28003475. Corresponding author.

3.   Wu H, Zhang X,Hu Z, Hou Q, Zhang H, Li Y, Li S, Yue J, Jiang Z, Weissman SW,  Pan X*, Ju BG*, Wu S*. (2017) Evolution and heterogeneity of non-hereditary colorectal cancer revealed by single-cell exome sequencing. Oncogene. 36: 2857-2867, 2017. doi: 10.1038/onc.2016.438. PMID: 27941887. Corresponding author.

4.   Han L, Zi X, Garmire LX, Wu Y, Weissman SM*, Pan X*, Fan R*. (2014) Co-detection and sequencing of genes and transcripts from the same single cells enabled by a microfluidics platform. Scientific Reports. 2014 Sep 26;4:6485. PMID: 25255798. Corresponding author.

5.   Wang F, Pan X*, Kalmbach K, Seth-Smith ML, Ye X, Antumes DM, Yin Y, Liu L*, Keefe DL*, Weissman SM*. (2013) Robust measurement of telomere length in single cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 110 (21): E1906–E1912. March 9th,PMID: 23661059(Corresponding Author) Interviewed by PNAS Journal Club: http://firstlook.pnas.org/new-ruler-for-telomere-length/, New ruler for telomere length, May 10, 2013 by Sarah CP Williams; and highlighted in Nature Reviews Genetics “Telomere length measurement in single cells” by Hannah Stower14, 444, doi:10.1038/nrg3529, June 18, 2013.

6.   Pan X*, Durrett RE, Zhu H, Tanaka Y, Li Y, Zi X, Marjani SL, Euskirchen G, Ma C, Lamotte RH, Park IH, Snyder MP, Mason CE, Weissman SM*. (2013). Two methods for full-length RNA sequencing for low quantities of cells and single cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 110(2):594-9. PMID: 23267071. 1/8/2013. Corresponding author. 

7.   Pan X*, Urban AE, Dean P, Vincent S, Grubbert F, Hu Y, Snyder M, Weissman SM. (2008) A procedure for highly specific, hypersensitive and unbiased whole genome amplification. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 105(40):15499-504.PMID:18832167 10/7/2002. Corresponding author.

8.   Pan X, Weissman SM. (2002) An approach for global scanning of single nucleotide variations. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 99(14):9346-51. PMID: 12093903. 7/9/2002.

9.   Gagliani N, Vesely MC, Iseppon A, Brockmann L, Xu H, Palm NW, de Zoete MR, Licona-Limón P, Paiva RS, Ching T, Weaver C, Zi X, Pan X, Fan R, Garmire LX, Cotton MJ, Drier Y, Bernstein B, Geginat J, Stockinger B, Esplugues E, Huber S, Flavell RA. (2015) Th17 cells transdifferentiate into regulatory T cells during resolution of inflammation. Nature. 2015 Jul 9;523(7559):221-5. PMID: 25924064.

10.   Guo S, Zi X, Schultz V, Cheng J, Zhong M, Koochaki S, Megyola CM, Pan X, Heydari K, Weissman SM, Gallagher PG, Krause DS, Fan R, Lu J. (2014) Non-stochastic reprogramming from a privileged somatic cell state. Cell. 02/13/2014.156(4):649-62. PMID: 24486105.

11.   Pan, X, Wu, S., Weissman, S. M., eds. (2019). Introduction to Single Cell Omics. Lausanne: Frontiers Media. doi: 10.3389/978-2-88945-920-9

12.     Zhang J*, Späth SS, Marjani SL, Zhang W, Pan X*. (2018)Characterization of cancer genomic heterogeneity by next-generation sequencing advances precision medicine in cancer treatment. Precision Clinical Medicine. 1(1): 29 -48, https://doi.org/10.1093/pcmedi/pby007. PMID: 30687561. Corresponding author.

13.    Zhang X, Marjani SL, Hu Z, Weissman SM, Pan X*, and Wu S*. (2016) Single-Cell Sequencing for Precise Cancer Research: Progress and Prospects. Cancer Res. 76(6);1305-1312. PMID: 26941284. Corresponding author.

14.    Zhu W, Zhang XY, Marjani SL, Zhang J, Zhang W, Wu S, Pan X*. (2017) Next-generation molecular diagnosis: single-cell sequencing from bench to bedside. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. 2017 Mar;74(5):869-880. doi:10.1007/s00018- 016-2368-x. PMID: 27738745. Corresponding author.

15.    Pan X. (2014). Single Cell Analysis: From Technology to Biology and Medicine. Single-Cell Biology, 3(1). pii: 106. http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2168-9431.1000106. PMID:25177539. Corresponding author.


