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南方医科大学康复医学院为南方医科大学与广东省残疾人联合会合作共建, 目前学院设置有教研室5个,科研实验中心1个,教学实验中心2个,行政办公室3个,拥有珠江医院康复实验教学中心及顺德校区康复教学综合大楼共计2个教学科研中心。学科布局涵盖康复医学、运动医学、康复治疗技术、假肢矫形工程4个学科方向,在校本科生392个,研究生45人,是全国康复医学人才培养规模最大的高等院校之一。


学院康复治疗学专业为国家一流本科专业建设点,广东省特色专业,此外开设 康复物理治疗专业(2018年)、康复作业治疗专业(2018年)、假肢矫形器工程专业(2019年),始终坚持培养适应国家和社会发展需要的,德、智、体、美全面发展,具有较扎实的康复治疗学基础理论、医学基本知识及其相关自然科学知识,具有较强的人际交流能力和良好的职业道德,具有创新、创业精神,掌握较扎实的康复治疗学技术,融康复、医疗、预防、保健为一体的实用型康复人才。

学院为中国康复医学会康复教育专业委员会候任主任委员单位,目前现有国家级教学基地2个: 中残联康复人才培养广东基地,国家级大学生校外实践基地。省级教学实践基地2个:广东省急救与康复技能实验教学示范中心,广东省大学生校外实践基地。获广东省“试点学院”1个。同时也是2个省级学会主委单位:广东省医学教育协会康复教育专业委员会、广东省医师协会康复科医师分会,“国家级青年文明号”单位。

依托珠江医院康复医学科,以康复医学院为平台整合“大南医“各附属医院康复专科力量,优化学科及专科建设,协调快速推动康复学科建设。目前拥有广东省临床重点专科2个,其中珠江医院康复医学科连续3年入围全国“复旦专科排行榜”, 3个临床专科入围华南地区排行榜。获批全国首批医学技术类一级学科硕士学位授予点,为康复医学与理疗学二级学科硕士、博士授予点。规划建设国家级人工智能康复创新平台,主要科研方向为脑神经认知康复学、平衡与神经控制学、外骨骼康复机器人领域,涵盖神经科学、心肺运动生理学,虚拟步态分析、运动肌肉电生理学等领域。

Introduction of School of Rehabilitation Sciences SMU

The Rehabilitation Sciences School (RSS) is affiliated to Southern Medical University(SMU), which is formerly known as the First Chinese People's Liberation Army Military Medical University established in 1951 and became one of the first batch of key universities in 1978. In 2009, when the Rehabilitation school was initially established, it started to run the subject on the innovative reform of rehabilitation talent cultivation system, taking an active part in related research and exploration. In the April of 2011, aiming to cultivate more senior rehabilitation talents, the Southern Medical University and the Guangdong Province Federation of Disabled Persons cooperated to build the Rehabilitation Sciences School, which fostered the integration of mutual advantages and resources to the utmost.

As one of the non-independent secondary school combining clinical practice, teaching and research work, RSS insists on exploring the reformation of talent cultivation model, and has initially formed a set of innovative rehabilitation students cultivation system. In 2011, it was committed as the innovative rehabilitation talent experimental training base in Guangdong Province. In 2012, it became the first rehabilitation students training base affiliated to China Disabled Persons' Federation. In the same year, the Rehabilitation Medical Laboratory was approved as the experimental teaching and demonstration center of the first aid and rehabilitation skills in Guangdong province, equipped with the pre-hospital and post-hospital first aid skills teaching platform, as well as the basic and specialized rehabilitation skills teaching platform.

Up to now, RSS has cultivated more than 450 undergraduates, 22 master students, and 4 Phd and MD. The main teaching area is located in the Shun De campus of Southern Medical University with 18 professional teaching laboratories and six research laboratories, covering an area of 20,000 square meters. While the clinical teaching campus, covering a total of 2,000 square meters of 5 clinical teaching laboratories, is located in Zhujiang Hospital of the Southern Medical University, with its faculty including 45 clinical teachers, 15 professors and 26 lectures.

The medical school of rehabilitation of SMU ranks in the top 10 at national scale. From 2016, the two sub-major——physiotherapy and occupation therapy were established and expected to obtain the international professional certification(WCPT and WFOT). In addition, the school has been committed as not only Experimental School in Guangdong province, but national practical teaching base, and has developed into the largest rehabilitation training base in south of China.

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